Monday, July 4, 2011

Property modes

Types of Property modes


Property Type



Single Value

Single Value properties can contain a single text string value. Text, numbers, dates, Boolean values, and amounts are stored in Single Value mode properties


Value List

Value List property can contain an ordered list of single values.

If you create a Value List property named EmployeeName, you can use it to hold a list of values. For example, you can use an activity or an HTML form to set EmployeeName (1) to John and EmployeeName (2) to Jack.

After setting these values, the EmployeeName Value List contains EmployeeName (1) and EmployeeName (2).


Value Group

Value Group property can contain an unordered group of single values.

If you create a Value Group property named Marks, you can use it to hold a group of values. For example, you can use an activity or an HTML form to set Marks(John) to 50 and Marks(Jack) to 80. Marks(John) and Marks(Jack) become elements of the Marks Value Group.



Page property can contain an embedded page as its value.

For example, a Page mode property named EmployeeDetails can contain information about the employee, such as the Employee name, account number, and so on.


Page List

Page List property can contain an ordered list of embedded pages.

For example, a Page List property named Contacts can contain the pages Contact (1), Contact (2), Contact (3), and so on.


Page Group

Page Group property can contain an unordered group of embedded pages.

For example, the standard Page Group property named Work-.pyWorkParty can contain pyWorkParty (Employee), pyWorkParty (Manager), pyWorkParty (Staff), and so on.


Java Object

Java Object property mode indicates that this property holds on the clipboard a reference to an instance of a Java object.


Java Object List

Select Java Object List to indicate that this property can contain an array of references to instances of Java objects. The first element in the array is identified by the 1 subscript, not the 0 subscript.


Java Object Group

Select Java Object Group to indicate that this property can contain an unordered group of references to instances of Java objects.


Java Property

Select Java Property to indicate that this property represents a single property of a Java class that defines an external Java object.


Java Property List

Select Java Property List to indicate that this property represents an array property of a Java class that defines an external Java object.

What is Property?

What is a Property?

Property provides labels or addresses for values that can be associated with a class

Property is a type of rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-Property rule type

Properties are defined in Work class hierarchy to hold data

For instances contained in the database, a property corresponds to a database column.

The term property also applies to the labels for values contained in most clipboard pages.

In process commander properties are of two types

1. Single Value Properties: Properties that has single text string value

2. Aggregate Properties:

· A property of mode Page, Page List, Page Group , Value List or Value Group is known as an aggregate property

Aggregate properties provide facilities similar to arrays, repeating groups, and unordered sets or collections found in other development tools